Roofing Washington


4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Complete Your Own Roofing Project

Spring and summer are wonderful times of the year in Iowa. The snow is finally gone, the sun is out and the days are getting longer. This is the perfect time to consider getting that roofing project done. Planting a garden, creating a play area for the kids or doing a little landscaping are all fun projects for homeowners. But, what about the roof is a DIY project? The answer is no, it really isn’t a projected that even the most talented DIY homeowners should attempt. When it comes to roofing Washington homeowners should be aware of the dangers involved in roofing projects as well as the importance of properly doing roof repairs. Here are just a few reasons why roof repairs are best left to the professionals.
Insects, Falls & Weather

It is common for insects such as bees and wasps to build their nests in areas that are difficult to spot on the roof, such as in or around the chimney and in nearby trees. If you disturb them, their stings can be dangerous, especially if you are allergic. One of the scariest things about roofing Washington homeowners need to be aware of is the risk of falling. Unfortunately, a few people die each year from falling off of a roof. This includes both DIY homeowners and professional roofers. Even with the best equipment, you may be injured. Even without falling, you can get injured while working on a work, such as back injuries, twisted ankles and bruises; it just takes one step in the wrong place to end up hurt. Even in the best weather, gusty winds can pick up and cause you to lose your balance and brief summer showers or dew from the night before can make the roof slicker than it looks. Keep in mind that no matter how safe the roof may seem to be, it is a dangerous place to be.

Roofing Takes Experience

Roofing projects are not as easy as they may look. It requires experience and skills to replace shingles and repair leaks. Improperly installing shingles by using the wrong tools and techniques can end up causing you serious problems with the roof further down the road. When it comes to problems with their roofing Washington homeowners should know that many roofing problems are not so obvious; many of which can create extensive damage throughout your home if they are not caught in time and repaired correctly. Will you know what to look for and how to identify a leak or potential weak spot? If you aren’t sure about the answers, it may lead to further problems.

You Might Not Like the Results

The roof of your home isn’t just functional, it should look good too. When installing a roof it is essential to properly align the shingles and make sure everything is straight and pleasing to look at, which is not an easy task. One of the most common problems with DIY roofing Washington homeowners face is uneven shingles. Not to mention the risk of nailing where you shouldn’t or using the wrong materials, which can cause damage to the structure soundness of your home.

DIY Roofing May Not Be Cost Effective

When reaching roofing Washington homeowners who are considering making it a DIY project may find that doing the work yourself is not as cost effective as you originally thought. It often is more expensive for individuals to buy the materials and tools required to complete the job. Contractors typically buy materials in bulk, therefore it is more cost effective. A trained roofer can also usually complete the work in significantly less time than those who are unfamiliar with how the roofing process goes.
Keep in mind that most DIY projects typically take longer than you think, so an afternoon roofing project may stretch into a few days. The main thing about a DIY roofing project is that you would probably rather spend time doing something you enjoy.
Instead of wasting your weekend on the roof, give BW Construction a call, we’ll be happy to do the roof repair while you spend your free time doing something you enjoy.
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